jueves, 5 de septiembre de 2013

Florida Keys turns to UAVs to take on mosquitos.

Florida Keys authorities are turning to unmanned aerial vehicles equipped with infrared cameras in their ongoing battle to control mosquitos.
According to the Keynoter's Ryan McCarthy, The Florida Keys Mosquito Control District is to test a vehicle by Condor Aerial developed for the purposes of law enforcement. However, it's hoped that the drone's infrared camera could be used to identify pools of shallow water which can host mosquito larvae, allowing the water to be treated with larvicide on the ground. (Nano-drones will not be dogfighting mosquitos one on one just yet, it seems.)

The Keynoter reports that the UAV weighs 2.2 lb (1 kg), 2.5 ft (0.7 m) long, and capable of flying 90 minutes at a time. This, combined with District Director Michael Doyle's description of the UAV as resembling a hawk, suggests the vehicle is a version of Condor Aerial's Maveric UAV.
The Keynoter reports that a test flight will take place on August 26, with a Condor Aerial employee on hand to control the vehicle from the ground.

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